Sunday 15 September 2019

Sunday at IBC

Who fucking has to work on a Sunday. I hate it. I was there alone and walked 22k steps. Still the weather was nice and I managed to sit in the sun for a little bit. It seemed that loads of people were absolutely hanging from the night before. It's just a massive show and I'm becoming increasingly cynical to the whole thing. Maybe I'm becoming cynical to technology, or work or IBC or just Amdocs on the whole. I just remember thinking what the fuck am I doing here on what is probably the last sunny weekend of the year. I need to straighten out my priorities that's for sure.

So I walk again to the show.

Saw a lovely little Renault 5 - reminded me of reggie, what a great car that was. Is pretty cool to see a few still going.

There was this nice little underpass. Was neat to get a shot with the bike in. So many bikes in Amsterdam of course.

Be yourself - I can't really be anyone else, so that's a pretty good sticker.

I walked into this pretty weird little building. I'm not sure if it was flats or a mental institute. Was a nice little statue

Thought about going into the supermarket to get breakfast, but it was absolutely rammed.

Back at the conference, at least the sun is shining.

12.30 and had to film at the Accedo booth

Decided to go for another burger. Was pretty tasty an nicely done.

Looking half decent considering I was hanging

On the beach at IBC

Little camera on the back of a bike

This old typerwiter was dumped outside.

Street Cat

On the way back to the hotel. Had enough for the night. 

Early one, in bed with a kindle 

Hamble Mariana and Hamble Point