Showing posts with label Construction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Construction. Show all posts

Friday 14 June 2019

Pyestock demolition Hartland Village emerges

Here's what remains. The This place is derelict and should go. The whole site is getting developed into a massive housing estate of 1500 homes. The site is now visible because they've chopped down a load of trees at the fence. 

Pyestock was the National Gas Turbine Establishment  established in 1944. For over 50 years Pyestock was at the forefront of gas turbine development. It was probably the largest site of its kind in the world. V bomber, Harrier and Tornado engines were tested on site.

I would have loved to have got in there and taken some photos like these. Or have flown a drone over the site before it was demolished. Here are a few pics of the buildings. What I could shoot from outside the fence. 

ThePlan for 1500 homes.

It's going to put a load of pressure on fleet pond and the rail station, plus local services. I'm pretty gutted that this got approved. I guess that's a bit selfish, but services are stretched enough as it is. 

Hamble Mariana and Hamble Point