Friday 28 June 2019

Video Bella Cooling Off

Shot this on the GoPro Hero 7 at 240 FPS then slowed it down to 24FPS. Pretty nice effect.

It was an absolutely cooking day.

This was at Fleet Pond

Wednesday 26 June 2019

iSportconnect Masterclass Moderator

Was a great event. 

Busy day today - hosted a panel session with Williams F1, Panasonic, Verizon and DAZN

Video Mashup

Sunday 23 June 2019

Rushmoor CFC Vets End of Season Awards Night

I spent quite a lot of my evenings and weekends creating a series of videos for the awards. It was well worth it though. Was absolutely classic. A lot of fun! What a night. 

I don't know which award I'm more proud of. The "most improved" or the "most adorable" player. The awards night topped an incredible season with the Rushmoor Vets. Winning the league by winning every game was amazing - but having my hard work and improvements recognised and voted for by the other players is something I will cherish for a long time.

The Videos

Congratulations from Premier League Greats

Goal analysis

All or Nothing - a review of the season

The one and only Rich Cooper for the legends awards

The official awards ceremony

Finally, there was the Rushmoor Vets original soundtrack

The Photos


Wednesday 19 June 2019

Lady Wimbledon Summer Party

It wasn't quite a lovely summer night, but it was dry at Lady Wimbledon's Tennis Party.

I had no idea what I was going to, but it turned out to be a pretty amazing party. It was hosted at Hotel du Vin in Wimbledon, what a lovely hotel. By a socialite - Lady Wimbledon.

The food and booze was awesome, great music, parrots, magic and fine friends. A decent night all in all. The magician, I had no idea what was going on, could barely see, he seemed to have a mouse trick and a levitation trick.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Hand in Hand Pub, Wimbledon Village

Lovely little boozer with a green opposite. Had a couple of pints of Directors. 

Decided to take some pics and a selfie on the way home

Saturday 15 June 2019

Brutal 10K at Fleet Pond / Pyestock, Hampshire

I didn't know this was on until I saw the course being set-up yesterday. I decided to head along and take some photos. 

Here's the description from the website

BRUTAL runs are seriously tough trail / cross-country races featuring natural obstacles.  
Start with a fast run out into the woods and zip through a unique Zig Zag Gully before you conquer a succession of hills, muddy trails and water features. Prepare to take the leap of faith into a lily pond, wade through the elephant grass, race through a shallow river and into a bog and linier marsh - which cleverly gets deeper as the race progresses! Pyestock has it all. It's 100% BRUTAL.
I was a bit disappointed that there were cars trashing the grassland and wild flowers. 
Here's why meadows and grasslands are so important . Full of insects and butterflies as I've recently documented in my field notes

But I guess that's the way things are going with this area. Wait until Hartland Village is built, this place is going to be overrun with people.

All the same it was nice to see people getting out and active and enjoying themselves. I might even enter next year, but £30 seems a bit pricey for a 5K considering Park Run is free. If I was doing it for charity I might give it a go I suppose.

Hamble Mariana and Hamble Point