Sunday 31 October 2021

London to Lisbon

Pretty cool to be going to Lisbon. First time in the country. Part of me couldn't be arsed, but I will probably enjoy it once I'm out there. 
Bella having fun
Had a bit of a laugh with Bella messing around in the brook at Oakley Park. She liked to push the ball down then run around to collect. 

Heading to Heathrow 
  • Jeans were wrecked by Bella so had to get them washed quick and done.
No lounge at terminal 2, but instead get £15 off the bill which is another really good perk of the crypto card. Bloody love it!


The flight was pretty much empty.

A bit of a bumpy landing, but not too bad. Saw a bridge on the way in but not much of a view. Not sure if I was sitting on the wrong side of the plane. 

This is one of the train stops. Pretty cool architecture. Clearly a lot of development happened arundel here. 

The room for the night. Olissippo Oriente Hotel, not a bad place for the night. Didn't really sleep that well awake to around 2am. 

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