Thursday 4 November 2021

Day three web summit

A pretty good day at the event. Fairly hungover and mingining, but not too bad. The day did drag a bit, but I've been a lot worse. Patrice and Veronika headed off, so the team is getting smaller. Been a bit of a stress with all sorts of nonsense from the executives. 

Back to town and tapas

Went back to the same part of town as last night and had a few beers and tapas. Was a great little restaurant and the food was delicious. Tried a little bit of everything. Then a night cap on the way home for an uber.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Day two Websummit

Naff breakfast at the hotel. But was well needed before heading over to the arena. 

We are go. 
Had a bit of fun getting the stand to look good. Had the idea of using a banner to hide all of the boxes and bags. Worked pretty well, although a bit less orthodox. 

Updated profile picture. Knackered ad only had like 4 hours sleep. 

Don't use the big coffee button! 


Damiano, Veronika, Me at the booth.

The shittiest sandwich I think I've ever had. 

Patrice and Lizzie do their workshops. 

Decent attendance, packed house.

Wine cheese and Chicken

Went out to Fasterpay offices for some free food and booze. Was a pretty weird place, looked more like a Chinese restaurant. There wasn't much in the way of chicken. Quite a good laugh though. Lots of wine consumed. 

Walked down to the bullring. Was nice enough, but nothing going on down there. 

Went for a bit of a boozy party. 

Got a taxi to an old part of town called Bairro Alto. Was pretty much packed out with websummit folks. We had a bit of a hanger on join us,  some investors dude, he was nice enough. Then we went dancing till 2am. Was a lot of fun!!!

Monday 1 November 2021

Day one at Websummit, opening night.

Ready to start the day. Breakfast was pretty naff and a tiny little hotel restaurant was crazy busy. 

Checking the booth out. 

A bit of a pain checking out the booth. UK vaccine passports weren't accepted. Plus we are partners not exhibitors. Ots pretty amazing how it will all come together. Suzanne was pretty surprised that we were able to get in. This place is absolutely massive. We are in a great spot, which is nice. They messed up the graphics though, I think there was some confusion when we sent through the hi

Damiano on the stand

Coffee after checking the booth. 

Found a nice little place to have a couple of coffees and get some work done digital nomad style. Coffees are tiny out here. 

Lunch of the best octopus

Had lunch with the guys. The first time of meeting Patrice, nice guy. The grilled octopus was really amazing. Probably better than I thought. Not at all chewy and very meaty. Full of smokey flavour. Glad I went for something a but different. 

Opening evening at websummit. 

Pretty amazing to see this manynpwkple back together. Something like 48k people over the three days. The system to get in was all a bit ridiculous, which included QR codes and masks. Like they are ever going to help people. Was terrific to see people all having a good time though.

The Facebook whistle-blower. Left halfway though. 

Founder of Black lives matter, a bit preachy and they had to run some music to get her off. 

Massive arena. Was great.  

Cool to be back. 

Rounded it off with a beer at the end with Damiano. Then the place mysteriously just shut down. 

Meal at Tivoli Oriente Lisboa Hotel

Nice meal at a hotel with the team. Went for pasta, which was rare for me. Then a last beer on the rooftop. Was a nice view and the temperature was lovely. 

Sunday 31 October 2021

London to Lisbon

Pretty cool to be going to Lisbon. First time in the country. Part of me couldn't be arsed, but I will probably enjoy it once I'm out there. 
Bella having fun
Had a bit of a laugh with Bella messing around in the brook at Oakley Park. She liked to push the ball down then run around to collect. 

Heading to Heathrow 
  • Jeans were wrecked by Bella so had to get them washed quick and done.
No lounge at terminal 2, but instead get £15 off the bill which is another really good perk of the crypto card. Bloody love it!


The flight was pretty much empty.

A bit of a bumpy landing, but not too bad. Saw a bridge on the way in but not much of a view. Not sure if I was sitting on the wrong side of the plane. 

This is one of the train stops. Pretty cool architecture. Clearly a lot of development happened arundel here. 

The room for the night. Olissippo Oriente Hotel, not a bad place for the night. Didn't really sleep that well awake to around 2am. 

Monday 16 September 2019

Travel back to London

Woke up and the weather was awful. Loads of rain so took an uber to the show. Probably just as well as I had my gear with me. The show was ok I crammed in a couple more meetings that would be good on the report. Then ate a spot of lunch before heading back to the airport for my flight home.

The hotel room was pretty decent. Didn't spend much time in it to be fair. 

Breakfast at the hotel

Rubbish weather

Time to get home, thankful for a fast taxi back to the airport and I'm on my way. 

Control tower seen through the taxi roof

Security was ok, I've had it much worse at this airport. I was trying to remember when I had a banner checked, but don't remember bringing any banners to amsterdam.

Back in London and wet. 

Hamble Mariana and Hamble Point